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Event Series Prayer Circle

Prayer Circle

Join in a simple service of healing prayer and intercession for people on the Zoom call as well as those on our prayer list. Our intention also is to share...

Event Series Prayer Circle

Prayer Circle

Join in a simple service of healing prayer and intercession for people on the Zoom call as well as those on our prayer list. Our intention also is to share...

AAPI DC Extravaganza

Sackler Gallery 1050 Independence Avenue SW, Washington DC, DC, United States

Join members of St. Margaret's at a public tour of an Ay-o exhibition at the Sackler Gallery by curator Kit Brooks. This exhibition may not be appropriate for children. Please...

Lunch in Our Neighborhood

Newcomers are especially welcome to lunch at Thai Chef Street Food with other adventurous souls. We have a lot of fun and good food. For more information, email Daniel Sherman...

Lunch in Our Neighborhood

New to St. Margaret's and want to meet people? Hungry to grow relationships? Here's your chance to talk to others just a little longer than Coffee Hour. Newcomers are especially...

KnitOne—CureOne Wearable Fiber Arts Fundraiser

Get a head start on your holiday shopping at a sale featuring wearable, hand-made knitted items, and gift selections. Sale proceeds support breast cancer research and community care through Charlie’s...

Relic in Concert

Join Relic on a journey through the Enchanted Forest. From elves and nymphs to trolls and witches, this program sparkles with pleasures and curiosities from the English and French Baroque....

Maggie’s Cabaret

After a hiatus, we are excited to restart our popular Maggie's Cabaret series with a Friday, May 10 show by BroadwayWorld’s Best Cabaret Solo Performance Artist in DC 2023, singer...

Tudor Place Tour and Picnic

Join the Racial Justice Task Force for a curator-led tour of Ancestral Spaces: People of African Descent at Tudor Place. We will hear the history of the people and families...

Contact Us

1830 Connecticut Ave NW,
Washington, DC 20009

T: 202.232.2995